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タイトルの「Line/break」には、英語の"linebreak" ※1) という言葉を用いて、私たちが卒業するという区切りの意味と、次のステージに進むための節目の展示にしようという想いを込めました。


本展では、銅版、木版、リトグラフを中心とした版画作品が展示されます。伝統的な技法の中に若い感性を加えた、新しい驚きと発見に満ちた 展示空間をお楽しみ下さい。



This is Tama Art University's Class of 2016 Graduation Work Exhibition, showcasing 10 students who are completing the Master's Degree Program in the Printmaking Course of the Department of Painting. We started at Tama Art University in 2010 as printmaking students. In the past six years, we have learned specialized printmaking techniques, researched how to express our own art work using these techniques, and continued with our creative activities.

The title, "Line/break", plays on the English expression "linebreak", referring to the break in our line — our graduation — and is embodied with our aspirations to make this a milestone exhibition to move forward to the next stage. Also, when you break the expression "linebreak" down, you get the two words: "line" and "break". What these two words signify are crucial components of our creative activities and are also reflected in the title.

At our exhibition, printmaking art work centering primarily on copperplate, woodblock, and lithographic prints will be on display. We hope that you enjoy our exhibition space replete with new wonders and discoveries of a youthful touch added to traditional techniques.

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